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Longhua Technology Group High-Level Talent Recruitment Plan

05-01, 2024 /in Company News /by Longhua

Company Profile


Longhua Technology Group (Luoyang) Co., Ltd. was established in 1995, with a registered capital of 904 million yuan. The company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2011, with the stock code 300263.


Through a combination of internal incubation and industrial investment, Longhua has gradually built a diverse and synergistic industrial pattern of sustainable development, consisting of three major industrial sectors: electronic new materials, polymer composite materials, and energy-saving and environmental protection. Each subsidiary company has grown into a leader in its respective industry segment, continuing to lead industry development and accelerate the replacement of imports.

The continuous breakthroughs in each industrial sector have contributed to the overall scale, market share, comprehensive competitiveness, and brand influence of Longhua, laying a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the group company.

Longhua Technology Group has fully embarked on a new journey of high-quality development, steadily advancing towards the goal of becoming a first-class high-tech industry group in China.


High-Level Talent Positions


Vice Minister of Industrial Synergy

Job Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for implementing the group's strategic planning, transforming industrial planning into specific goals and measures, and coordinating the synergistic development of the group's industrial sectors;

  • Focused on the group's industrial planning, integrating related industrial chain resources for mutual support and synergy, enhancing the overall value of the industrial chain;

  • Manage the process control of major projects of group subsidiaries;

  • Leveraging both internal and external synergies to explore new opportunities and new business development models for industrial integration.

Position Requirements:

  • Age: 30~35 years old;

  • Education: Undergraduate degree or above from 985 or 211 universities;

  • Major: Energy saving and environmental protection (thermal energy, mechanics, process control), water treatment, fine chemical engineering, new materials (metal materials, inorganic non-metallic materials, powder metallurgy), rail transit (polymer materials), foaming materials (polymer materials, organic chemistry);

  • Ability requirements: Strong resource and organizational integration ability, ability to integrate external resources for corporate services, and to integrate internal industrial chains for collaborative use, maximizing effectiveness; Innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Assistant to the Chairman

Job Responsibilities:

  • Assist the chairman in the discussion of group business planning, business management plans, and major corporate decisions;

  • Responsible for drafting speeches, reports, and documents for various business meetings and special meetings chaired by the chairman;

  • Assist the chairman in hosting various foreign affairs activities, public relations, negotiations, etc.;

  • Assist the chairman in the comprehensive coordination and organization of group functional affairs.

Position Requirements:

  • Age: 30-35 years old;

  • Education: Undergraduate degree or above from 985 or 211 universities;

  • Major: Science and engineering, management, economics, and related majors;

  • Ability requirements: More than 3 years of work experience in positions within state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, or government development projects, operational positions, or as an assistant to the president; knowledge in operations, law, and finance; strong team management experience.

Head of Technology Management Department

Job Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for the construction of the group company's technical management system, including the research institutes and the technical status and personnel situation of various subsidiaries;

  • Responsible for research and analysis of the development directions of the group company's industrial sectors, solving technical and R&D issues in the development process of industrial companies; providing guidance for the R&D directions of industrial companies by integrating internal and external resources;

  • Responsible for the scientific research and management work of the group company, organizing subsidiaries to carry out external technical cooperation, technical verification, and independent research and development according to the company's development positioning; guiding and managing the scientific research and innovation work of subsidiaries;

  • Responsible for the management of trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property of the group company and subsidiaries;

  • Responsible for the initiation, management, and tracking verification of new products and new technology projects of the group company and subsidiaries; assessment of projects;

  • Keep abreast of national and local government policies on projects, products, and industries, actively organize project applications and communicate to gain government support.

Position Requirements:

  • Age: 30~35 years old;

  • Education: Undergraduate degree or above from 985 or 211 universities;

  • Major: Polymer materials, energy and power engineering, chemical engineering, and other science and engineering directions;

  • Ability requirements: More than 3 years of related industry and position experience; understand national industry policies, guide and apply policy directions, and find new growth points for the enterprise's industrial chain.

Welfare Benefits


Specific compensation and benefits are negotiable for each individual. Longhua Technology Group will provide high-level talents with a competitive compensation and benefits package that includes salary, performance bonuses, corporate stock options, and project equity.

Recruitment Process



  • Application starts on April 1, 2024

  • Send application materials to the email, with the email subject: Name + Position

  • Contact: Ms. Zhao 15978653304

Qualifications Review and Negotiations

Online negotiations/interviews are planned to start in mid-April 2024. The list of interviewees, time, and mode will be notified separately.


Candidates who pass the review and negotiations will be employed.